

digital and on-site payments

    Boost customer satisfaction with a full range of convenient payment options


    • Make things easy for your visitors with on-site payment via the interactive pay machine for cash or cashless payments, including video intercom, and on-demand information
    • Let your visitors benefit from convenient, fast and touch-free online parking ticket payment via smartphone
    • Your visitors simply use the parking facilities and pay later from the comfort of their home

    Mobile, on-site or online later at home: Choose the payment option that meets your and your visitors’ needs


    On-site payments with interactive service

    • Payment machine with large, user-friendly touchscreen (also suitable for advertising purposes), adapted to the needs of disabled persons, enables cash-based or cashless payment of parking fees
    • Support your visitors with bi-directional intercom to provide assistance – also remotely from your central control center
    • With license plate recognition installed in your car park, your can assist your visitors in finding their car again quickly: they just need to type in their license plate number

    Mobile payment – scan, pay, go

    • No cash, no cards, no long queues at the payment machine: Payment can be made conveniently before leaving the car park
    • Every smartphone user can use this service directly and easily to pay online
    • Payment is made just by scanning the QR-code: no app, no registration required

    Check out, pay later

    • For unregistered visitors you can offer the option of fast, easy and secure payment later from home
    • Your visitors can leave the car park immediately, e. g. in case of large numbers of vehicles heading for the exit gate during peak times

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    What our clients say

    Samuel Spaltner

    A excelência operacional em estacionamentos é a visão geral e completa de todos os estacionamentos, o seu funcionamento e quais os dados que podem ser recolhidos.

    Virginia Bester

    Está a prestar-nos um excelente serviço e estamos realmente satisfeitos com a SKIDATA.

    Louis Schillace

    A SKIDATA excedeu as expectativas no que diz respeito ao nosso volume de negócios e nível de serviço. A execução foi impecável. Estamos realmente satisfeitos com o desempenho da SKIDATA neste projecto.

    Cédric Blanckaert

    Com a arquitectura da SKIDATA, é possível gerir mais de 40 parques de estacionamento na Bélgica com apenas seis pessoas. Graças a uma excelente colaboração entre a SKIDATA e a Holding NMBS, tornou-se possível desenvolver uma arquitectura totalmente centralizada.

    Dhiredj Sadhoe

    A assistência é certamente importante - por isso, as organizações que prestam o serviço têm de responder rapidamente: elas recebem e resolvem todos os problemas. Para a gestão do negócio, são necessárias ferramentas eficientes e um poderoso Centro de Controlo que permita uma visão global de todos os sistemas.

    What only SKIDATA can do for you

    Interactive payment machine pos
    Interactive payment machines as a central service tool with split-screen option for advertising and multiple ticketing options, also suitable for picking up pre-ordered tickets
    mobile-payment send-to-phone
    Mobile payment options for every visitor with a smartphone
    advanced-cyber-security advanced-cyber-security
    End-to-end secured payment and advanced cyber security

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