

urban & mixed mobility

    Smart urban mobility starts here: Create a seamless end-to-end traveling experience including parking


    • The multiple ride concept: Connect your car park with public transportation, or bike and scooter rental to provide your visitors with a seamless car-public transport mobility experience
    • Easily process many various tasks with one single solution: Make journeys convenient for all your customers and meet the needs and wishes of different customer groups
    • Fully integrate on-street and off-street parking and payment into your mobility concept

    Make your parking a mobility hub


    Connect your car park to urban mobility

    • Whether commuting or visiting a city: Your visitors book and pay parking and public transport online to benefit from a seamless travel experience
    • Offer your parkers the opportunity to explore the city also by bicycle or by e-scooter – conveniently booked and paid online together with the parking slot
    • Unlock new revenue streams with online bookings of parking, EV-charging, bike or scooter rental and public transportation in one go

    Support your visitors’ plans best

    • Your visitors benefit from easily booking their parking slot as a supplement of their travel ticket in one go
    • You easily handle all tickets or cards – including third-party cards – of ad-hoc travelers
    • Offer contract holders a new, easy-to-use mixed-mobility transportation concept including booking and payment of parking or rental

    Fully integrated on-street and off-street parking

    • Include your on- and off-street parking offers into apps and make your visitors choose and navigate to the one that suits their needs best
    • Offer all parking services on-street and off-street via your own web shop with consistent corporate branding and identity, and hold on to the revenues
    • Combine public transportation with easy on-street and off-street parking as well as scooter rental for a seamless end-to-end traveling experience

    Vamos ver como podemos trabalhar juntos!


    What our clients say

    Alejandro von Teuber

    O que mais gosto na SKIDATA é a inovação, o design que é importante porque é o que os nossos clientes vêem, e o software porque é o que nós operadores precisamos. 

    Alejandro von Teuber

    As suas soluções disponibilizam tantas funcionalidades tais como rastrear todas as nossas operações, melhorando a segurança das nossas operações e proporcionando uma agradável experiência ao cliente que nos visita.

    Ben Ziff

    A SKIDATA era de longe a empresa que nos ia ajudar a alcançar o que queríamos para o nosso negócio avançar.

    Ben Ziff

    É provavelmente como comprar um Rolls Royce, se compararmos com um carro. É sem dúvida um dos melhores fabricantes do mercado. E creio que isso se deve provavelmente ao facto de eles ouvirem os clientes.

    Ben Ziff

    Passámos algum tempo com diferentes fornecedores. Vimos cerca de seis ou sete fornecedores. Muito rapidamente, reduzimos a lista para o líder de mercado.

    What only SKIDATA can do for you

    new-construction new-construction
    Make your parking offers part of the urban mobility landscape
    referee referee
    Easily handle all tickets and cards of travelers
    add-to-cart-2 add-to-cart-2
    Offer in your own web shop on- and off-street parking and multi-modal transportation

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