

connected cars

    Join SKIDATA on the journey to the parking of the future

    In the near future, autonomous vehicles will be a common sight on our streets, and vehicle-to- infrastructure (V2I) technology will be a key to their safe and effective operation. V2I technologies will reduce the carbon footprint in improving mobility and safety by allowing vehicles to communicate directly with traffic infrastructure.
    For example, advanced road markings and turning signals will be visible to both humans and machines under all road conditions. As a result, autonomous vehicles will know how to anticipate traffic signals because they will be alerted in advance by them in advance.

    Vehicle to X – designed for autonomy, already now

    This means that connected cars are more and more turning into “computers on wheels”. They are already now connected in ways we never could have envisioned some years ago. They communicate with satellites that tell us how to get to our destinations, and how to get there most quickly; some are connected to insurance providers who monitor safe driving based on navigation systems which become more and more sophisticated.
    Connected cars get automatic software updates, schedule service appointments and search for the best charging or petrol stations. Newer cars tell us where parking is available at that moment, and with the credit card data saved in a “car wallet”, payment is made automatically.
    We are living in an exciting age of vehicle connectivity and SKIDATA is ready for it.

    What does that mean for parking facilities?

    When you are serving autonomous vehicles, your parking management system, including parking guidance, reservations, and payments systems will also have to be able to communicate with connected cars.
    For example, wouldn’t it be great for your visitors to go to a cinema, a restaurant, or a shopping mall, while their car drives to the nearest car park, and picks them up afterwards?


    Join the journey

    V2I is right around the corner. It’s an exciting prospect, and for car park owners and operators it may be new territory with endless opportunities.
    SKIDATA has been preparing for the autonomous future, and we are on the way with our partners to implement a V2I plan that will meet your unique needs.
    V2I is the next step in parking management, and SKIDATA is prepared for the journey. Are you?

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    What our clients say

    Samuel Spaltner

    A excelência operacional em estacionamentos é a visão geral e completa de todos os estacionamentos, o seu funcionamento e quais os dados que podem ser recolhidos.

    Cédric Blanckaert

    Com a arquitectura da SKIDATA, é possível gerir mais de 40 parques de estacionamento na Bélgica com apenas seis pessoas. Graças a uma excelente colaboração entre a SKIDATA e a Holding NMBS, tornou-se possível desenvolver uma arquitectura totalmente centralizada.

    Ben Ziff

    A SKIDATA era de longe a empresa que nos ia ajudar a alcançar o que queríamos para o nosso negócio avançar.

    Virginia Bester

    Está a prestar-nos um excelente serviço e estamos realmente satisfeitos com a SKIDATA.

    Louis Schillace

    A SKIDATA excedeu as expectativas no que diz respeito ao nosso volume de negócios e nível de serviço. A execução foi impecável. Estamos realmente satisfeitos com o desempenho da SKIDATA neste projecto.

    What only SKIDATA can do for you

    b-add b-add

    If you are already a SKIDATA customer, your parking management system is already serving as the control center of your parking operations and future adding of V2I will be simple and convenient.

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    If you are not yet a SKIDATA customer, there has never been a better time to become one. Let us help you prepare for the autonomous vehicle future, while meeting your current parking technology needs.

    car-connect car-connect

    The vehicle to infrastructure age is fast approaching. Are you ready for it?

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