Parking Management - Data security is key

Parking Management: Data security is key

Gisela Bechmann3 minutes reading time

Interview with Scott Carlson, former Director of Global Architecture and Strategic Development, Head of Digital Asset Security, Kudelski Security, Phoenix, AZ, USA.


How is the situation now?


In many parts of our daily life, people are used to digitalization. And the development is going on: from cash to phone payment, from phone payment to cameras, from cameras to monitoring and meanwhile, we are thinking about end-to-end ecosystems. An ecosystem might consist of different vendors, different providers, different types of phones, and different types of cars.

Nevertheless, everybody should keep in mind that at every stage of the process, the highest standards of cyber security have to be guaranteed.  Nobody should think about if he/she trusts the device that is sending data somewhere else.

The questions are: What are the risks and the required steps to handle them in the field of cyber security? What are the risks, parking operators must take care of: Do they handle the money risk? And: do they handle the data risk?




What do you think about the development from now to the future?

The development over time is very interesting:  Ten years ago, we were worried about the place people were: Do they have cash in their hands, do we have to assure their physical security? The question was how to protect the person.  

Thinking about “traditional” cyber security, everything was about controlling the risk, turning the knob all the way to the right to avoid every risk. In this situation, if you lose two dollars, it may be okay. Maybe you just open the gates because your visitors are getting upset that it's taking too long. So, you start to dial down to the minimum acceptable risk or the minimum acceptable controls.
But it is crucial to use safe devices and a safe cloud solution. SKIDATA works to reduce the risk and to get cyber security to a point where we have been in the physical land.

The most important is to realize that your visitors react with emotion first to a higher security level, then they will accept it. They are used to using their computer, and their phone, and in the future, they will get used to their car talking to them. When they know that everything is correct when they drive in and out of the car park, and they know that the transaction is accurate, they will get used to this as well and will accept it.

With perfect cyber security in place, operators take care of the utmost convenience of their visitors, but also for the utmost safety of their visitors and their own data. 

Thank you for the useful information and the glimpse into the future, Mr. Carlson.


About Scott Carlson:

Scott Carlson led a team of global architects to prepare and deliver strategies, products, innovative architectures, and global solutions supporting digital media. Additionally, he led the blockchain business within the company, growing the blockchain security capabilities and developing the offering. Before joining Kudelski, Scott worked in leadership roles at Beyond Trust, PayPal, and Charles Schwab, including CISO at blockchain startup Sweetbridge.



What only SKIDATA can do for you

Where everybody in parking should start: protect your cloud, protect your data, protect your credentials, and then encrypt that as you send it around. In a nutshell: do the standard things everywhere.

Security offerings are often generalized, lacking the intensity and professionalism needed to fuel truly world-class cybersecurity programs. Many security leaders struggle to find trusted partners who can provide security services and solutions tailored to their specific needs.

Partnering with Kudelski Security, SKIDATA delivers cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions and services that are tailored to your precise needs and objectives.

With SKIDATA, security is on, by default.

For deep-dive information, please watch the video about SKIDATA’s Digital Days:

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