Let’s Welcome Emotions: SKIDATA's Leadership in Transforming Sports & Entertainment
KitzSki's Journey to Smartphone Ski Passes [Video]
Transforming the Ski Experience: KitzSki's Journey to Smartphone Ski Passes [Video]
Transforming the Ski Experience: KitzSki's Journey to Smartphone Ski Passes [Video]
Thomas Doppler2 minutes reading time
The recent Interalpin 2023 event in Innsbruck saw Christian Wörister, Management Board of KitzSki, and Stefan Niedermühlbichler, Head of IT at KitzSki, share their expert insights on the company's remarkable digital transformation journey.
The duo highlighted the successful implementation of the SKIDATA Smartphone Ski Pass Solution and the resulting benefits for both KitzSki and its customers. This innovation truly embodies SKIDATA's motto: "we change the world of welcoming people."
Overcoming Challenges
The road to digital ski passes wasn't without its challenges. KitzSki retrofitted 80 access points to lifts and gondolas, a significant undertaking. However, their dedication paid off.
The resort sold more than 26,000 smartphone tickets during a "silent launch," a testament to the solution's success.
"....and it has been working flawlessly ever since. We are very proud that we achieved this together - SKIDATA and KitzSki."
Christian Wörister, Management Board of KitzSki
The SKIDATA Smartphone Ski Pass Solution
The comprehensive solution covers all types of tickets, ensuring that every visitor to Kitzbühel enjoys a seamless welcome experience using their smartphone on the resort's 234 km of slopes.
According to Mr. Wörister, the solution works flawlessly, and KitzSki is thrilled to offer this new kind of digital ski ticket to its guests, making them feel "always welcome."
Trust in KitzSki's Tech Choices
When KitzSki adopts new technology and rolls it out across the entire resort, you know it's reliable and trustworthy.
The successful implementation of the SKIDATA Smartphone Ski Pass Solution demonstrates the resort's commitment to delivering top-notch welcome experiences to its guests.
In conclusion, SKIDATA’s digital ski ticket revolution is a game-changer in the ski industry, making skiing more convenient and enjoyable for everyone, while enhancing the welcome experience. Are you ready for the future?
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