Efficient use of energy
At SKIDATA Headquarters, 100 % of the energy needed comes from renewable sources. Beyond that, carbon footprint metrics like energy, heating, fuel and air conditioning are regularly reviewed and improved.
We are evaluating our Corporate Carbon Footprint of HQ in Grödig and the Wals Technology Center with ClimatePartner to gain an insight into our major emission drivers and based on the results plan and set more strategic reduction measures for the next years.
SKIDATA supports reducing CO2 emissions caused by travelling and commuting. The employees benefit e. g. from job tickets for public transport, from fostering bike usage of employees or from the possibility to work from home. Employees with electric vehicles may charge their car at the SKIDATA Headquarters site and e-bike charging stations are off ered as well.
To further reduce travel for employees, SKIDATA offers many e-learnings: In 2020, 400+ employees completed e-trainings.